A Professional Theatrical Costume Rental Company

Our Story
CNY Costumes was established in the year 2000 and incorporated in 2004 by Debra and Ron Ritchey. Debra began costuming for local school shows in the early nineties, first as a parent volunteer offering her thirty years of designing and creating experience and ultimately as a professional costumer and designer. We offer costumes for all of the famous and not so famous classics, as well as our latest creations- Legally Blonde, Phantom of the Opera, The Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins, The Lion King Jr, SpongeBob Square Pants, Frozen, Newsies, Matilda Jr, Finding Nemo Jr and so many more!
CNY Costumes inhabits a 11,000 square foot facility that houses thousands of costumes, as well as props, set pieces and wigs . Our customer base has expanded across the country, supplying high quality costumes to schools, colleges, community and professional theater groups. We pride ourselves on the best quality products and personal service!
CNY Costumes has searched out and developed a specialized crew including seamstresses, crafters, artists, carpenters, engineers and puppeteers, all of whom are proud to have contributed to the building of our Broadway costumes & props. Both Full size and Jr. shows Are available.